
Three bags down

I finally got the motivation to organize and re-pack all of the donations that we've collected so far. It feels so good to have everything in order. Shoo. I'm actually surprised at how much room is left. (Mom, don't go nuts, now!) I think that for the rest of the space (the equivalent of about one piece of luggage), I'm going to concentrate on the list that our agency gave us, part of which is:

infant/children vitamins
Fer-n-Sol infant iron drops
baby bottles
powdered formula (esp. premature, high calorie)
baby thermometers

What a great way to spend our "waiting time," no?


Anonymous said...

Can I go and get some more things? Please, pretty please :)


Margaret said...

You have been a busy lady! Praying that you and those bags are on their way to Ethiopia by the end of the summer!!!!