
A dream

Last night, I had a dream. We were in a Central American country where everyone was speaking Spanish and smoking cigars. The people that we were with, in fact, kept pushing me to buy some cigars as souvenirs. There were kids selling them everywhere. It was very hot.

There were several adopting families together and we were all brought into a brightly colored room, where we were told to wait until they brought our children to us.

A person walked in with a little white baby, placed her in my arms, and said, "Here she is." I was so confused, but I didn't want to seem ungrateful, so I took her and held her, thinking, "I'm not supposed to have a white baby." Quickly, though, a family came up to me and said, "Oh, she's ours! Here she is, just like in her picture," and snatched her away.

The same delivery person came back in with an older, Asian child next and put her with me, saying, "Here is your child." Now this time, I didn't want to hurt the child's feelings, so I pretended that everything was alright, beginning to play with her. But I kept saying to myself, "I'm supposed to have a black baby, a little black baby boy." Another family, however, came up to me, thanking me for watching their child until they could arrive, and whisked her away.

Once again, the delivery person came in. This time with a tiny, tiny, black boy and said, "Yes, here is your child." I was so happy and immediately put him in my sling so that no one could take him away from me. And then the sling ripped.

What? Yes, this was the end of my dream. Maybe it was the sofrito sauce from dinner last night, I don't know, but I didn't like this dream one bit.

1 comment:

Margaret said...

WOW! That is an interesting dream!!!! Praying that you will seen have reality in your sling!!!!! :) (I hope that makes sense!!)