
Nine months, one day: Who's got the potossin?

Isn't that what they use to induce the coming into a family of a baby? But, of course, no drugs for me. I'll wait. God will deliver this child to us once we're all good and ready, I'm sure. People, however, are starting to predict. A friend from church told me this morning, "40 days." And I have a very good feeling about 13 May. When it occurred to me several weeks ago, I even marked it on the calendar. Guesses, shmesses. Bring on the baby!


Margaret said...

:) May 13th sounds like a perfect day!!!!!!! :) Praying that it comes SOOOOON!!!!

Anonymous said...

May 13th is a great day that is my birthday! :)

Emily said...

Hey, I was 2 weeks late with Ellee, our first, so that would only be 12 more days... I'll pray for that :) Praying that baby E is healthy today!

Margaret said...

Hello there Amy! Just wondering if you will be able to join the lunch on May 2nd at 11:30 at the Oak Creek Applebees?? I am praying that you will have news to share that day!!!!!!

megan sanders said...

Your sister Sarah sent me a link to your blog and I am so excited to how well you are doing in life. What an amazing story this blog is. Your love and dedication is so inspiring, you are such an amazing mom already to this child!
I would love to catch up with you more, email me sometime if you have a chance (msanders109@hotmail.com)
Megan Abelard Sanders