
Moving on up

So, from the Bethany blog, I now know that there were actually 4 referrals, not only 2! The other two families must not participate on the forum, and so that's why I didn't know earlier and why I know nothing about their stories. But this is good... for those children, for those families, and, selfishly, for us. Also, I guess that there were 5 referrals last month, when I only thought that there were 4. Wahoo! This is all so exciting.


Margaret and Cordel said...

Hi Amy and Rob! My name is Margaret. My husband and I are adopting from Ethiopia through Bethany as well (we live in West Allis). How is your wait going? Amy, your slings are really cute!!! Hope you are both doing well!!

Emily said...

friends... our computer crashed and I lost your site. Alas, I had some catching up to do. Just wanted you to know that I am still praying for you and am excted to hear about the babies that are coming home... making your baby that much closer :) much love!

Dawn said...

Wow - small world that you are from Racine! The wait is going okay so far, it's getting old now though. I just want to hop on a plane and pick up our baby! But, we are trying our best to be patient. So, when do you think you will get a referral? Sounds like possibly soon!! How very exciting! Maybe we could arrange for some of us in the area to get together for coffee or dinner sometime. I see that Margaret is from West Allis. Let me know what you think! Take Care.

Margaret and Cordel said...

Hi Amy!

You have been tagged (check out my blog for directions!!)

Margaret and Cordel said...

Hi Amy!!

We would love to do dinner some time!! I see that you and Dawn have connected too!! How great is this? I have been praying for a long time for there to be families to be able to share this experience with...and now there are!!!!!
