
Rob's tour of south-eastern Wisconsin

Oh man! Rob left before six this morning. He went to the east-side of Milwaukee, he went to Madison for about ten minutes, and then he went to work in Kenosha. All of this for four pieces of paper... yikes! All of this for our son... no sweat! Ah, perspective.

Please pray that FedEx safely, correctly, and timely delivers (Or, subjunctive?) our papers to Michigan. Pray that Michigan sends them (with all of the same adverbs) to D.C. Pray that these same papers get to Ethiopia with enough time so as not to affect negatively our court date. And pray that we pass on the first try. Please pray that G stays healthy and grows stronger each day... not He-man style, but you know...

Karochye (As the Russians say...), pray!

1 comment:

megan sanders said...

Hey Amy, thought you might enjoy my friend's blog. He and his wife also just received their referral from Ethiopia... http://theorens.blogspot.com/

keeping you in my prayers,