
Yes!!!!!!! NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So, we had to re-do some of our paperwork in order to work towards bringing G home. We sent it out the other day and it came back in the mail today... all state-sealed. Yes!

However, upon further inspection, the stinking Secretary of State made a huge mistake... four times in a row! NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So now, in order to get everything in on time, Rob and/or I will have to go to Madison, in person, on Tuesday, to have it all re-done.

Up, down. Yes, no. Ah, la vie. Oui, j'ai dit "la vie." Qu'est-ce que tu vas dire, dSdlcc?


Ajenkstrio said...

Ich sage nichts. Wir beten für Sie.

Margaret said...

UG :( We had a wonderful trip to Madison on Thursday :)