

There really isn't much to report, other than that Rob and I will turn in our official acceptance paperwork tomorrow. Wahoo! Every little step is so big in adoption... pre- and post-.

Other than that, we are simply getting used to the idea of G. I keep looking at his photo, thinking, "Is this for real? Will this child really come home here to live with us?" It's rather incredible.

Please pray that he stays healthy and grows strong. Please pray that the orphanage has what it needs to take care of all of the children there. Please pray that all of the children waiting to come home will be assigned court dates in the very near future and that everyone will pass on the first time. Thank you.


Margaret and Cordel said...

PRAYING!!! :) all of those things! I will get back to you in a couple of days about dates to get together! I cannot wait to see G!!!!!

Ajenkstrio said...

Incroyable? INCROYABLE?? Hmpf. Francophiles.

Blessed to be sharing the (easy part) of the experience with you. Continue to be very excited for/with you. Blessings.