
A movie and something good

A few posts ago, you may have noticed the photo of the gifts given to us with our adoption in mind. One gift was the movie Meet the Robinsons. We love it and have watched it and cried and re-watched it. A great story about adoption... with some sci-fi thrown in for fun.

Secondly, here is a link to a Reader's Digest story about a man that does good work in Ethiopia. I think that I must have seen the making of the documentary or something, because he and his story are familiar to me. Check it out.


Margaret and Cordel said...

Hey just wanted to say that I have been thinking of and praying for you both!! Hope you hear news soon!!!!

Anonymous said...

So glad you liked the movie!!! I still get choked up at the end! Can't wait to see who the Lord has picked out for you. I'm putting my bets on a perfect match, especially for as long as this is taking :o) Kelly