
God willing, by this time tomorrow...

... we will be waiting at our gate at the airport, probably sharing a tall, soy mocha with no whip cream. AH!!!!!!

Tomorrow we leave for France for a bit of a vacation; and then later in the week, we will fly to Ethiopia to pick up our son. I canNOT believe that this is happening. It is a good thing that there are piles of lists and scattered suitcases everywhere to tell me that this is real... that once we leave tomorrow, the next time that we are in the U.S. will be with our son.

And, by the way, our son is THE BEST LOOKING BABY IN THE WORLD! Yes, I made that superlative statement, and I will not retract it. We received updated photos of him this morning, and... wow. He has the most beautiful eyes with these expressive, quirky eyebrows.

Please pray. Please pray that we, along with the other four families, have safe and efficient travels; that I've packed enough formula and diapers; that all of our paperwork is in order; that we three stay healthy; and that we can learn a lot about Ethiopia. I'm sure I'm forgetting something...

Just so you know, I will not be updating our blog while in Ethiopia. It is possible, but I just do not want to. I love being away, unplugged... no phones, no computers. So, until we return as a family of three...


megan sanders said...

so excited for you! praying for safe travels and incredible moments and memories!

Margaret said...

PRAYING! Have an AMAZING time!! I cannot wait to see G again and hear all about your time in Ethiopia! AHHHH....you are bringing your SON HOME!!!

HollyMarie said...

Amy, I can't wait to hear how your trip went! :)

Margaret said...

Just wanted to say that I am thinking about you all and praying for you!!! Cannot wait to hear all about your trip when you get home! :)

Margaret said...