
Nothing much

It's been some time since I've last posted, mostly because nothing much is happening regarding our adoption... at least that we know of. I mean, our child could be born today, which is huge! But we wouldn't know about it.

Some little things: We have gone to our agency's International Travel workshop. (Our last! We have gone to all of them now, and even some extras. I always liked extra credit as a student, but not so much as a teacher. Anyways...) I read a book called Acres of Hope, which all people should read, in my opinion. And now I'm in the middle of a book about the Ark of the Covenant, which most Ethiopians believe is in their country. Regardless of its whereabouts, it's a good general history. Oh yes, and Rob went to a slideshow presentation on Ethiopia. Our agency had a few visionaries go over for several days and one of them put together a presentation. Rob said that he enjoyed it, making his desire to go over there as soon as possible grow.

So, that is all for now. Waiting for a miracle...

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