

I just spent the morning with a dear friend who is in the know about children's books. We took some time to go through Half Price Books and found some great reads to begin the Stensberg kid-library. A few are a bit too advanced for a little one, but either I couldn't resist or I was strongly encouraged to buy them by my friend.

We now have: Pancakes, Pancakes! (Which I like because it teaches about from where food comes. No, not the grocery store.), The Tiny Seed (for gardening), The Cheerios Play Book (Which may encourage playing with food, but it works on fine motor skills. Really!), The Velveteen Rabbit, Harry the Dirty Dog (Bathing is important!), Charlotte's Web and Stuart Little (I know, a bit advanced, but too important to pass up at $1 each.), and The Happy Hocky Family (Which made me cry from laughter.).

How fun. Thank you, friend!


Anonymous said...

One book I got recently had a lot of nursery rhymes we heard as kids, but it's funny how you forget the words. I find myself singing and chanting nursery rhymes all the time to E & G and thought that may be another great purchase for you and Baby Stensberg!
Love, Uncle Z and Aunt T :)

Uncle Matty said...

No ring around the rosy.