

Last evening, Rob and I found out that our Ethiopian court date is 12 June! This has happened a LOT more quickly than I had imagined. I was thinking that it would be around the end of July! Wahoo!!!!

Rob came to my work around six last evening, with some papers behind his back and an elated grin on his face. I couldn't even imagine what his secret was. After what seemed like forever, scouring my brain for a clue, he told me the great news.

There are, however, some very important papers in transit. Please pray that these papers get back to us, with no mistakes, early next week. Thank you. Also, please pray that we pass court on the first try and that G stays healthy. Gracias, again.



Margaret said...

WOOHOOO!! :) COurt dates are great!! :) PRaying that we both pass and are traveling to bring home our babies in July!!! :)

Emily said...

PRAYING!!!!!!! June 12 is our anniversary... a day of love... love that you're getting your court date! CAN NOT wait to meet G!