"God is good, all the time. All the time, He is good." Do you know the song? That is one of my favorites. Cue the trumpets! Da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da!
On a morning like today it is so easy to sing that song. I do know that we're to be able to sing that song all of the time; but it's not always so easy, is it? However, when we experience a gift from God...
(I just realized that this is all starting to sound like we've gotten our referral. Sorry... not yet.)
... we are to rejoice and thank Him for it. So, thank God! Today, on this sunny, warm day, we got our renewed immigration paper! Wahoo!
About 15 minutes ago, I pulled myself away from the sunny windowsill, where I was dreaming of summer gardens, and went downstairs to see if the mail had come. It had. And, there was a lot. I saw a few magazines, but also several letter-sized pieces. I just had a feeling, but I didn't want to dive in. So, I slowly (at least in my mind, slowly) set the bigger things off to the right of the table and then flipped, one by one, through the letter-sized envelopes. And, as I got to the last one, I saw that the Department of Homeland Security was the return-address. Wahoo!
"Praise God from whom all blessings flow!" That's another favorite song.
---about three minutes pass---
Ah! There is more! All five of the families that had courts dates this week passed! The other two, who were "on hold" for documents, heard today that they passed. AND one of the families, with a referral already, got its court date today... for the end of April! Wahoo!
"And we're moving' on up!" (How about that song?)