Due to the newly-announced three-year wait for a two-year old from Albania, Rob and I have decided to pursue an adoption from another country: We've chosen Ethiopia. This is a relatively new program for Bethany Christian Services, one that didn't exist when Rob and I began this whole adoption venture.
After speaking with our social worker, talking with each other, and praying, we both feel peace with the switch to Ethiopia. We don't take this change lightly. Our family is going to be much more different now... we will be dealing with a whole new set of challenges, but we are up to it. We're really quite excited about everything.
This doesn't mean that we don't feel strange about leaving Albania. I mean, their flag flies on the front of our house, I have an almost-finished Albanian history book next to our bed, and I've begun studying the language. But, again, we feel peace about the switch to Ethiopia.
There is a lot to do ahead, and again this is all time-sensitive. We've lost the past almost six months of waiting, which has lit a fire beneath me to get working on all of the new paperwork. Almost every document will have to be re-done. I have less than a month before I go back to work at the garden center, and I'd love to get everything done prior to that; but I do remember that most of the paperwork depends on others.
We already need a lot of prayer. Please pray... for timing, money, logistics, signatures, a scutinizing eye... and for so much more.